D&D in a Castle 2022 – Ruinview Campaign

D&D in a Castle 2022 – Ruinview Campaign

For the first time since our 2019 trip, Quinn and I were able to re-attend the D&D in a Castle event at Lumley Castle in England, where we were paired with Dungeon Master Kelly Lynne D’Angelo, and players Vincent, Chris, David, myself, and my hubs Quinn to...
D&D in a Castle

D&D in a Castle

Dungeons and Dragons? In a Castle? Hell. Yes. 2019 marked a milestone for Quinn and me, as it was our 15th anniversary together. Finding D&D in a Castle is the one and only time a Facebook ad ever got it right, because as soon as I read about the event, I was...
Europe Trip 2016

Europe Trip 2016

Our Whirlwind Tour of Western Europe In December of 2016, my (now hubs) “Q” and I took a 3 week trip through western Europe. For Q, this was his first time out of North America (he’s been to Mexico and Canada). For me, I’ve been to several of...