Novel Formatting & Printing Update

Novel Formatting & Printing Update

Ruinview Book Writing, Formatting, & Printing If you’re looking for book formatting tips, you’ve come to the right place! For the first time since our 2019 trip, Quinn and I were able to re-attend the D&D in a Castle event at Lumley Castle in...
D&D in a Castle 2022 – Ruinview Campaign

D&D in a Castle 2022 – Ruinview Campaign

For the first time since our 2019 trip, Quinn and I were able to re-attend the D&D in a Castle event at Lumley Castle in England, where we were paired with Dungeon Master Kelly Lynne D’Angelo, and players Vincent, Chris, David, myself, and my hubs Quinn to...
The Empty Void Tavern

The Empty Void Tavern

WE HAVE A TAVERN (OVER OUR GARAGE)!!!!! Quinn and I became first-time homeowners in the summer of 2021, much to our surprise. The house came with a 1 bed/1bath ADU (alternate dwelling unit) over the garage. We briefly considered doing the “responsible...
Beadle and Grimm’s Pathfinder 2E Kickstarter 2020

Beadle and Grimm’s Pathfinder 2E Kickstarter 2020

My hubs worked with the fellas over at Beadle & Grimm’s on their new Pathfinder 2E Kickstarter project, and while we’ve not yet run a game in 2E you can be sure we’re going to do so now! The project was funded in under 15 minutes, and they have a lot...
D&D in a Castle

D&D in a Castle

Dungeons and Dragons? In a Castle? Hell. Yes. 2019 marked a milestone for Quinn and me, as it was our 15th anniversary together. Finding D&D in a Castle is the one and only time a Facebook ad ever got it right, because as soon as I read about the event, I was...