In June 2020, I was so lucky to be a part of a fantastic group of Women in Gaming’s streaming of a D&D session for charity, featuring the women’s shelter Hope Haven of Cass County. The event was organized by the amazingly coordinated @D&DElise (see her DM’s Guild materials here), hosted by TPK Roleplay and sponsored by D&D Beyond, Tabletop Loot, Talon and Claw, and Arcane Spectacles.

Viewers were able to enter raffles, pay for items to be added to our game play, as well as donate directly to the women’s shelter charity or shop their Amazon wishlist.

Uncaged Anthology:
A Banshee’s Tale
A 5th Edition D&D Campaign by Ashley Warren. Watch the stream here:

We begin as a somewhat scraggly, somewhat merry band of mercenaries, outcasts, and salty old lady-gnomes to answer the call of the local Countess and her wife. The poor ladies and their staff had to flee the O’Cuinn castle due to an unexpected banshee haunting.

And so the story begins! This adventuring group might not have an ounce of charisma among them, but that won’t stop them from trying to lie, charm, and persuade their way to victory!
Our Line Up:

Dungeon Master: LukaLock

Before the stream, I tried my hand at creating all our characters in Hero Forge’s miniature maker for kicks. Click the picture to enlarge!
Taklak the Teal, Kobold Cleric – Kage

Sprigg, Gnome Wizard – Cara

Morna, Minotaur Monk – Faith

Tylin, Half-Orc Fighter – Me!

Belkira, Dragonborn Ranger – Angel

Eldeth, Dwarf Druid – Thia

I had an amazing time with these wonderful ladies, and I hope to do it again. Please feel free to check out the fantastic charity of Hope Haven of Cass County and their Amazon wishlist!
Women in Gaming Month: Round Table with DnD Elise and Guests
Also check out this perky panel of lovely ladies in gaming discussing the industry and more featuring D&DElise (DMsGuild & DriveThruRPG Writer), Shannon (ParadiceRPG Player/Community Manager), Cherie (President of Equal Opportunity Geeks), Bridget (Dicebag Maker), Fiona (President of 90.1 FM KKFI), and Kym (Tea Party Hostess)!
Women in Gaming – Into the Feywild D&D Stream for Charity
My group was not alone in the D&D charity streaming, so please check out these powerful ladies as they kick butt through the veil! This time, D&DElise is the dungeon master, taking Mackenzie (Jaq, Satyr Monk), Cher (Sambra, Tiefling Sorcerer), Lessie (Le Magnifique, Human Bard-Rogue), Becca (Honoria, Tiefling Druid), and Chrissy, (Peaches, Gnome Barbarian) on the wildest ride through the wilderness!
Thank you, Women in Gaming 2020!
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